2005 Canadian Resource Guide
for Renewable Energies

Buyers Guide 2005 The canadian association for renewable energies has published the latest directory of renewable energy suppliers in Canada. As with previous editions, this resource guide was produced with no funding support from any government.

The spiral-bound directory is printed on recycled paper; 2,000 copies were distributed to user groups, including homebuilders, utilities, architects, politicians and news media.

Listings were restricted to companies with an internet domain, so details on the goods & services of each resource are readily available. Listings are categorized by province, to show green power, green fuel and green heat applications.

A number of hotlinks to other internet sites are also provided for your use.

Copies are available for end users who were not included on the original distribution.


Cost: $20.00 per copy    (includes GST & shipping/handling).
Bulk copies are $15 per copy.

International orders are slightly higher cost.

Complete this form and mail with your payment.


canadian association for renewable energies
         we c.a.r.e.

Bill Eggertson, CAE, Executive Director
(email) eggertson@renewables.ca