OPTIONS 2003 Magazine

The canadian association for renewable energies has distributed OPTIONS 2003, a 40-page magazine that explains green power, green heat and green fuel options from a corporate perspective.

OPTIONS will be produced on an annual basis, covering a range of specific applications on renewable energies.

To see a pdf version of the 2003 version, click the cover.

Surplus copies are available for distribution by renewable energy companies to potential clients. While supplies last:

  • Three (3) copies cost $10 to cover postage & handling.
  • Add 70¢ GST (#86991-3285).
  • Send mailing address and payment to c.a.r.e. 

  • 435 Brennan, Ottawa    K1Z 6J9

Like our other publication (Canadian Renewable Energies Directory), this magazine was produced without government funding assistance.


canadian association for renewable energies
         we c.a.r.e.

Bill Eggertson, CAE, Executive Director
(email)  eggertson@renewables.ca